For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard

51MF30Mc86L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_ (9/10) This book would have gotten a 10/10 had it not been written back in the late 1970s. Although most of the message and libertarian principles described in the book are timeless, he makes current event references that seem dated. For anyone that is discouraged by our terrible government, two-party system, and status quo politics, please read this book. Learn about libertarianism and imagine if this were the dominant mindset of the world.

Libertarianism is the only philosophy that promotes timeless, eternal principles such as individual liberty, limited/no government, peaceful foreign policy, and free market economy. These were the principles of the founding fathers of the United States, but we have butchered their message over time and the experiment has failed. When you allow one branch of government to interpret the power of another branch of government, they will always give themselves more and more power over time.

The United States was founded on the principles of libertarianism, but our country has grown into a welfare/warfare state. The government does not and cannot represent all of the individual citizens of the United States. The problem with a controlling government is that some group of people will always be alienated, coerced, or infringed upon. The government does not represent society at large. In fact, there is no such thing as society in general. Society cannot own property. Nothing can take place for the ‘good of society.’ The controlling persons in government use the word society and country as abstractions to make us believe they’re working for and represent all of us. But they don’t, because it’s impossible.

The biggest problem I personally have with government is taxes, because it affects me more than anything else. More than one-third of my paycheck goes into the government coffer never to be seen or heard from again, while our national debt soars past the $18 trillion mark. That one-third would do me a whole lot more good than it’s doing for a debt-ridden government. The whole idea of the income tax being pulled from your paycheck was an emergency measure started during WWII, but (like everything else) the government they turned this temporary fix into a permanent solution. Because there is no more effective way to steal your citizens hard-earned money than pulling it directly from their paycheck before they ever even see it. No other entity besides the government can tax by coercion and steal its citizens money for its own purposes.

Some people are ok with taxes, even want higher taxes, because they feel it’s the government’s obligation to control, regulate, and provide for its citizens. This is a mockery of the founding principles of this nation. I don’t want to be regulated, provided for, or controlled. I want to practice free will, make my own choices, and earn my own keep. When you are born into this world, you are entitled to nothing. You have no right to anything besides life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It doesn’t make sense to claim you have the right to an education, the right to a home, the right to healthcare, etc. Where do the entitlements end? Food? Water? Clothes? Television? Cell phone? No one and no creature in the history of life on this planet was entitled to any of these things. In its simplest form, this is government robbing from the rich to give to the poor. But that’s not truly how the current system works. Instead the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and everyone complains.

It’s time for everyone to see the truth for what it is. Take a look at the government of today; its ineffectiveness, inefficiencies, corruption, and take a stand. Don’t put up with it. Don’t vote for another Clinton or Bush to be president (seriously these are the choices?!). Don’t support the two-party monopoly in government. Don’t support political campaigns funded by private interest groups. The old system is broken. It truly is time for another American revolution.



Filed under Book Review, Nonfiction

4 responses to “For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard

  1. Steve Manente

    Your learning Randy. Government can’t ddo anything right. They have even rendered our military, the one area where they do have responsibility I.e. to protect and defend, IMPOTENT! Local, state & federal government fails at all they do and feel they aren’t accountable or responsible for being measured & reviewed. Political systems have become trillion dollar industries & professions only existing to extort, corrupt & get reelected.

  2. Luke Willoughby

    This is incredible. What are the next steps? You’ll have my sword.

  3. Steve

    Could not agree more with one exception…. A strong military is absolutely essential & cannot be compromised. Unfortunately we as a nation are already headed down a path of military weakness.

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